Who, me?

Praxis Range is focused on Doctor Who and science fiction media.

Doctor: If the gas is present, the celery turns purple.

Peri: And then what do you do?

Doctor: I eat the celery. If nothing else I'm sure it's good for my teeth.

News, reviews, atom bomb blues …

To celebrate the launch of Doctor Who on Disney+ and the arrival of Ncuti Gatwa’s new season, I thought it would be fun to share my thoughts on the franchise.

Aside from eating a crayon in the backyard sandpit, one of my earliest memories is watching the Tom Baker serial ‘Logopolis’ in the wee hours of the morning when I should’ve been sleeping for a full day at kindergarten.

For those familiar with the story *SPOILERS* the Watcher, that ominous pale spectre observing from afar, would play a pivotal role in Baker’s swansong. The Doctor, succumbing to the injuries of his tragic fall, merges with the ghost-like being seemingly caked in talcum powder and regenerates into the fifth incarnation (Peter Davison) – arguably the best Doctor to ever Doctor the TARDIS.

Expect to see reviews of the latest TV episodes and maybe even a little commentary on Big Finish audio releases. Being a massive science fiction fan I’ll probably throw some other content in as well for good measure.

Join me in the Zero Room

I welcome all Whovians to check in and share their opinions, too. For regular updates delivered to your email inbox subscribe today. You can also follow the conversation on Facebook.

Oh! Green crayons taste the best by the way.

Tabletop wargaming

Did you know I also dabble in miniature painting and tabletop games? Read more over at Glancing Hit.

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Doctor Who commentary from a Peter Davison fan in Melbourne.


Word Tweak is tabletop wargamer, Doctor Who fan and Melbourne-based writer.